

Jun 29, 2023


We're a few weeks into school now, and it feels both like school just started, and like I've been in sophomore year forever. We had the club fair recently, which was really fun. I stood at the stands for LexMACs, and for my newly created Innovation club, and gave out a lot of stickers. In World History, we had some debates on historical significance, and my topic (who I was arguing was historically significant) was John Locke. The debates were split over 3 days, with the first round against 1 person on the first day, the second round against 2 people on the second day, and semifinals and finals on the 3rd day. I made it to finals, where I was up against my friend. I thought we both did really well in our arguments, and that we both had a good chance of winning. The teacher tallied up the votes and the result was... a tie! 9-9 votes, we both won first place (for this time at least, this debate was the first of four that we would have throughout the school year)! I had some tests and other events in my other classes, which were also fun. And about clubs— we had our first LexMACs meeting yesterday, which went amazing. We only had 5ish people on average every meeting last year, but this year 35+ people came to our first meeting! It was incredible, we didn't even have enough seats and had to bring in more 😖. The meeting went well also, just a quick introduction to the club, a nice speech, and a fun game. 

There are a lot of other events, quizzes, and competitions coming up, so I'm going to be pretty busy for the next few weeks 😱.


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