November Break!


Nov 27, 2023

November Break!

The weekend technically started on Wednesday, which was a half day. We were also doing fire drills, which cut class even shorter. After school ended at 12, I headed to Rancatore's with the other Science Olympiad captains to make teams. We started making teams on Monday (5ish hours) where we also got a surprise visit from Annabelle! and discussed over dinner at Fiorella's, but we spent 11 hours straight on Wednesday grinding out the teams. We went to Cecilia's house and got dinner from Clay Oven. We finished making the teams, and honestly it was pretty fun to gather with a bunch of people for the better half of a day.

Thursday was the first total day off, and I spent most of it relaxing. I watched a few painting tutorial videos on YouTube and finally got around to reading Fight Club (took around 3 hours) which I had been putting off forever. The book was surprisingly smooth to get through and the writing style is super cool.

On Friday I woke at 8 to tour Boston's buildings for a bit, then returned home to meet with my Fermi partner for Science Olympiad and do a practice test. I haven't really done Fermi before but it seemed to go okay, so if we keep working hard we'll hopefully do well. Around 3pm I didn't really know what to do so I decided to try out some painting from those YouTube videos I watched yesterday. I took out my neglected acrylics and less than two hours later, voilĂ ! Thomas Paine, who wrote Common Sense. Then I went to watch Napoleon with Erin at the Lexington Venue. We had done similarly for Oppenheimer a while ago when it first came out, and both movies were pretty good.


Saturday I woke up around 7:30 to do math, and then I went to the Science Museum in Boston. I've been there a lot and it's nice to see how things change occasionally. The Optical Illusions gallery is always fun to see, and I watched the Science Magic show and the Planetarium Moons show for the first time, and both were pretty cool! After, I went to Sichuan Gourmet in Burlington to have a LexMACS reunion dinner with Kevin and Alex (Alex was driving, it's pretty cool that people around my age are doing that now) and we had a fun conversation and a nice meal (though the food was a little spicy, but I also have really bad spice tolerance...). I went home and finished Common Sense by Thomas Paine (the guy I painted yesterday). The beginning is great, and the end is also, though it becomes less "wow cool ideology omg American Revolution" and more logistical and practical and more "real" (in the version I read it's him responding to a bunch of people's criticisms). Surprisingly it kind of reminds me of The Precipice.


Sunday I went to Rancatore's to meet with my Ecology partner for Science Olympiad, and afterward, we went to Omar's World of Comics and Bistro to get lunch. It's pretty cool - the lower level is a game and comic shop and the upper level is a gaming/internet cafe. There are also tables to sit and eat food that you order from the lower level (hence the Bistro). I got tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. After, I went shopping, and then returned home for more Scioly and LexMACS meetings planning fun events.


On Monday I biked to the library and back for a Disease Detectives meeting with my partner, and then I went to Avenue Deli to get lunch. I got a Thanksgiving Turkey sandwich :). Side note, I was so cold when biking - remember to always wear enough and then some when biking because the wind makes things so much colder. Also note for when you go to Avenue Deli: I don't know if it's just me but I like my sandwiches hot, so I usually take the sandwich and then return home to heat it up.

Anyways, until next time!


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