LMT and Fiddlehead


Dec 18, 2023

LMT and Fiddlehead

What this blog post is really about starts on the weekend, but let's begin on the 12th (Tuesday) instead. After school, I went to Clarke to do some fun middle school SciOly team making! It's kind of crazy to see how some of these middle schoolers that I made teams for last year are now in high school, but it's always nice to visit the middle school again and see the new kids that are interested in SciOly. Side note: making these teams was much faster than making teams for the high school (5x faster). I wonder why? Anyways, also really sad is that my co-Head Coaches are going to graduate so they won't be here next year :(. It's always sad to see the seniors go but it hits a little harder now that I'm a junior.

On Friday after school I stayed at math team to help prep for the LMT (Lexington Math Tournament). It's tradition to stay until 7/8pm the day before LMT at LHS to prepare. We ordered pizza for dinner and we had two pineapple pizzas! I used to disparage the flavor but my friend made me try it once and it was actually really good.

Saturday was the day of LMT :gasp:! I usually proctor a team or two but this time I was just running Estimathon with some friends, which I've been doing since my first LMT freshman year. Something funny that we did last year was give everyone "Ella" nametags since one of the Estimathon questions asked about Ella, and I repeated the process this year with "Sam" instead. The idea behind it is that at the awards ceremony when I'm announcing Estimathon awards, I say "Raise your hand if you're Sam". At this point a majority of the crowd and organizers will raise their hands due to nametags being disseminated throughout the day. There was also a team named "we only came for the pizza" which we found pretty funny, so we organized an impromptu "Best Team Name" prize.

After the award ceremony I went to a friend's house, where her dad drove us for over an hour to New Bedford to Fiddlehead's concert. It was my first concert, and it was actually so cool! It was doubly cool because my former AP World History teacher was in the band.

As a side note, I've been doing Advent of Code for this past month! I'll make a post on that later :)


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