hmmt, amcs, and thanksgiving


Jun 29, 2023

hmmt, amcs, and thanksgiving

There's a lot to cover, so let's begin!


I went to HMMT November, and it was pretty fun! We arrived at Alewife at around 7/8 am, bought tickets, then took the T to Harvard Square. Once there, we entered the building where the contest was held and explored for a while (and also got some cool merch!), which proved to be beneficial as the place we were taking our first test in was a little hidden from view. Soon after, the contest started, and we took the individual general round and theme round. I also recognized some friends in the proctors running around the rooms (one of them was a former LHS student)! After the individual round and the theme round we had lunch, and I went with a couple friends outside to a food truck called Bon Me. Once lunch was over we went to the team round and guts round, which were pretty fun. Afterwards the contest was basically over - all the tests were done, and the award ceremony would begin after a while. Thus, a couple of friends and I went to get boba! A friend and I got a unique boba at the boba tea place called "milk foam peach slush with star jelly", which was pink, yellow, and white (and really good!) before we headed back to the building. There, we met an LHS alumni (throughout the entire contest we were meeting people from LHS and friends from other places!) and then listened to some acapella. After that, all that was left was the award ceremony, and we headed home.

MIT Splash

It was my first year attending Splash, which was pretty fun! I attended some classes and throughout the day I met a lot of friends from LHS. A couple of friends and I went out to get boba during lunch, and although we were unsuccessful (one of my friends led us in the wrong direction LOL) we saw some really beautiful sights. Later on in the day, I met up with a friend at MIT, and we went around the campus to classrooms, lounges, a shop where we got boba (I got a green apple flavor, which was good), and finally to the dining hall at McCormick, where we also met another friend from LHS.


There's not too much to cover here. We made a turkey, which was delicious (but way too big - we ate our meals with portions of turkey for 2 weeks until we finally decided to use the remaining turkey to make soup).


They were alright this year - I didn't manage my time too well, but I've definitely improved from last year, which is always a plus. I did make AIME though.

(also, we recently held a donut fundraiser for LIT server maintenance - it was super fun and the donuts were delicious. We might have another fundraiser soon!)


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